Spring Carnival – May 4
The FRES PTA Carnival is May 4th 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Tickets are on sale now at, https://frespta.ptboard.com/formvw?store=4292&form=7. Order forms came home with your child during the week of 4/15.
- Only children need tickets for the carnival. Adults are free.
- PTA Concession Sales will include popcorn, cotton candy, candy, chips and water. Most items are 1 ticket and nothing is more than 2 tickets.
- Food trucks and other vendors will be available for families to purchase other food and beverage items.
We need your help to make this event possible! Please sign up at the link below to volunteer to help out at Carnival. Middle & High School Students are welcome to volunteer and volunteer hours will be verified. Carnival Volunteers
Do you love to bake??? Please consider donating a cake, cupcakes or other dessert for the carnival cake walk. Items can be dropped off at school on Friday 5/3 between 6:30 – 9:30 or Saturday 5/4 by 12:00. What’s a cake walk? A cake walk is a game played at carnivals, fundraisers, and funfairs where participants walk around a circle of numbers on the floor while music plays. When the music stops, everyone lands on a number and the person that lands on the number called wins a cake. Sign up here Cake Walk Donations.