Join us at FRES on October 15 starting at 5:30 pm for pumpkins, games, candy, popcorn, and dancing at our annual fall festival! Costumes are allowed, but not required! There will be an optional separate ‘spookier’ area for everyone to enjoy. Tickets are 3$ or 2 for 5$ (only kids need tickets) Pie walk tickets are 1$ each or 5 …
Joe Corbi’s Fundraiser
Joe Corbi’s Pickup Thursday, 11/17Joe Corbi’s Pick-up – Thursday, November 17th 4:30 PMYour order will be arriving at the school on Thursday, November 17th. Please come by the school to pick up your orders between 4:30 PM and 7 PM. Please use the bus entrance. Items will be located in the second art room. If you would like to help sort and distribute, please click here to sign up. …
FIRST PTA MEETING: SEP 20, 2022, 7pm
Please plan to attend the first general membership PTA meeting of the 2022-2023 school year on Tuesday, September 20th at 7 pm in the FRES Media Center! A few items on the agenda will include: Discussion of proposed work, including events, for the school year Sharing your perspective and priorities A review of the proposed budget and a vote on approval Formation of …
Mark your calendar to NOT make dinner on Monday, September 19th and instead visit Noodles & Company in Laurel (14700 Baltimore Ave MD) between 4 – 8 pm! When you place your order, mention that you are from Forest Ridge and our PTA will receive a portion of every sale! Participating in Restaurant Nights are a delightful way to support …
Back to School Picnic
Join us for the first big PTA social of the year. The picnic will be held on Friday, September 9th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at FRES. PTA will provide pizza, snacks, moon bounces, prizes, and more! RSVP by either using the QR code below or visiting Willing to help? Volunteer at